Seed funding for mission driven founders
We invest between 50k€ – 150k€ to start-ups along with access to our extensive network and know-how. We work together with an extended group of Pipedrive Angels who have the option to also join the investments we make which can bring the total amount invested up.

Here to nurture honey badgers.
Helery Pops
“Send me your cap-table and vesting schedule.”
Helery has mastered the language of the customer by doing sales and customer research in Pipedrive before moving to the product team to help build the tool that Pipedrive is today. With a love for good product design for both software and hardware, she joined the ranks of Ampler Bikes with the mission to help make the cities less car-centered.
Speaking to about 20 start-ups every week, Helery has seen pitch decks in all shapes and sizes and will definitely ask how much research went into figuring out the problem space that the start-up is solving.
Martin Henk
“My best advice to anyone that is trying to build something is to be focused. Be really clear what the problem is that you’re trying to solve and then stay true to that for a while.”
Currently taking on the world by building Eventornado – a tool for hackathon organizers that are the birthplace of future unicorns. Before Eventornado, Martin was the technical co-founder and Head of Product at Pipedrive. Naturally, he knows his way around the tech sphere as he has supported and invested in over 30 start-ups.
Ragnar Sass
“All my passion & energy go towards helping build fast-growing startups. Starting from values, hiring best talent & growing them at rocket speed.”
Founder of Pipedrive, Salto, Lift99 and Garage48, but also a seasoned angel investor, networking wizard and nature lover. Along with Tajur and Henk looking out for the well-being of Estonian forests with Metsik Loodus and building nature villas with Maida Nature Resort.
Martin Tajur
“Among many things, I care about how founders go about building their product — and how these products then look, feel and talk. Form and function are equally important, one defines the other.”
With 10+ years of experience and working as a designer and front-end engineer in Skype, Martin co-founded Pipedrive in 2010. He built the initial product design, helped form the initial development team, evolved its software architecture and shined as CTO in later years. Since 2016, he’s been doing angel investing and helping startups get off the ground.